
Parameterized tests are the solution for when you want to run the same test code several times with just a little bit different each time.

In NovaProva, test parameters are a static const char* variable attached to a test node, which is set to one of a number of fixed values by the NovaProva library. Parameters are declared with the NP_PARAMETER() macro. This macro takes two arguments: the name of the variable and a string containing all the possible values, separated by commas or whitespace.

The parameter is attached to the level of the test node tree where it’s declared, and applies to all the tests at that level or below, e.g. all the tests declared in the same .c file. Those tests are run once for each value of the parameter, with the parameter’s variable set to a different value each time. In test results, the name and value of the parameter are shown inside [] appended to the full test name.

For example, this parameter declaration

NP_PARAMETER(pastry, "donut,bearclaw,danish");
static void test_munchies(void)
    fprintf(stderr, "I'd love a %s\n", pastry);

will result in the test_munchies() function being called three times, like this

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=donut]"
I'd love a donut
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=donut]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=bearclaw]"
I'd love a bearclaw
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=bearclaw]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=danish]"
I'd love a danish
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=danish]

np: 3 run 0 failed

When multiple parameters apply, the test functions are called once for each of the combinations of the parameters. For example, this pair of parameters

NP_PARAMETER(pastry, "donut,bearclaw,danish");
NP_PARAMETER(beverage, "tea,coffee");
static void test_munchies(void)
    fprintf(stderr, "I'd love a %s with my %s\n", pastry, beverage);

will result in the test_munchies() function being called six times, like this

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=donut][beverage=tea]"
I'd love a donut with my tea
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=donut][beverage=tea]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=bearclaw][beverage=tea]"
I'd love a bearclaw with my tea
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=bearclaw][beverage=tea]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=danish][beverage=tea]"
I'd love a danish with my tea
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=danish][beverage=tea]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=donut][beverage=coffee]"
I'd love a donut with my coffee
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=donut][beverage=coffee]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=bearclaw][beverage=coffee]"
I'd love a bearclaw with my coffee
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=bearclaw][beverage=coffee]

np: running: "mytest.munchies[pastry=danish][beverage=coffee]"
I'd love a danish with my coffee
PASS mytest.munchies[pastry=danish][beverage=coffee]

np: 6 run 0 failed