Writing Test Functions

Runtime Discovery

Test functions are discovered at runtime using Reflection. The NovaProva library walks through all the functions linked into the test executable and matches those which take no arguments, return void, and have a name matching one of the following patterns:

  • test_foo
  • testFoo
  • TestFoo

Here’s an example of a test function.

#include <np.h>

static void test_simple(void)
    int r = myatoi("42");
    NP_ASSERT_EQUAL(r, 42);

Note that you do not need to write any code to register this test function with the framework. If it matches the above criteria, the function will be found and recorded by NovaProva. Just write the function and you’re done.

The Test Tree

Most other test frameworks provide a simple, 2-level mechanism for organizing tests; tests are grouped into suites.

By contrast NovaProva organizes tests into an tree of test nodes. All the tests built into a test executable are gathered at runtime and are fitted into a tree, with a single common root. The root is then pruned until the test names are as short as possible. Each test function is a leaf node in this tree (usually).

The locations of tests in this tree are derived from the names of the test function, the basename of the test source file containing the test function, and the hierarchy of filesystem directories containing that source file. These form a natural classifying scheme that you are already controlling by choosing the names of filenames and functions. These names are stuck together in order from least to most specific, like a Unix filename but separated by ASCII ‘.’ characters, and in general look like this.


Here’s an example showing how test node names fall naturally out of your test code organization.

% cat tests/startrek/tng/federation/enterprise.c
static void test_torpedoes(void)
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing photon torpedoes\n");

% cat tests/startrek/tng/klingons/neghvar.c
static void test_disruptors(void)
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing disruptors\n");

% cat tests/starwars/episode4/rebels/xwing.c
static void test_lasers(void)
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing laser cannon\n");

% ./testrunner --list

Pass and Fail

A test passes in a very simple way: it returns without failing. A test can fail in any number of ways, some of them obvious, all of them indicative of a bug in the Code Under Test (or possibly the test itself). See Assert Macros and Failure Modes for full details.

Here’s an example of a test which always passes.

static void test_always_passes(void)
    printf("Hi, I'm passing!\n");

A test can also use the NP_PASS macro, which terminates the test immediately without recording a failure.

static void test_also_always_passes(void)
    printf("Hi, I'm passing too!\n");
    NP_PASS;                                    /* terminates the test */
    printf("Now I'm celebrating passing!\n");   /* never happens */

Note that this does not necessarily mean the test will get a Pass result, only that the test itself thinks it has passed. It is possible that NovaProva will detect more subtle failures that the test itself does not see; some of these failures are not even detectable until after the test terminates. So, NP_PASS is really just a complicated return statement.

static void test_thinks_it_passes(void)
    void *x = malloc(24);
    printf("Hi, I think I'm passing!\n");
    NP_PASS;        /* but it's wrong, it leaked memory */

A test can use the NP_FAIL macro, which terminates the test and records a Fail result. Unlike NP_PASS, if a test says it fails then NovaProva believes it.

static void test_always_fails(void)
    printf("Hi, I'm failing\n");
    NP_FAIL;                                    /* terminates the test */
    printf("Now I'm mourning my failure!\n");   /* never happens */

Note that NovaProva provides a number of declarative Assert Macros which are much more useful than using NP_FAIL inside a conditional statement. Not only are they more concise, but if they cause a test failure they provide a more useful error message which helps with diagnosis. For example, this test code

static void test_dont_do_it_this_way(void)
    if (atoi("42") != 3)

static void test_do_it_this_way_instead(void)
    NP_ASSERT_EQUAL(atoi("42"), 3);

Will generate the following error messages

% ./testrunner

np: running: "mytests.dont_do_it_this_way"
FAIL mytests.dont_do_it_this_way

np: running: "mytests.do_it_this_way_instead"
FAIL mytests.do_it_this_way_instead

NovaProva also supports a third test result, Not Applicable, which is neither a Pass nor a Fail. A test which runs but decides that some preconditions are not met, can call the NP_NOTAPPLICABLE macro. Such tests are not counted as either passes or failures; it’s as if they never existed.


Some unit test frameworks support a concept of test dependencies, i.e. the framework knows that some tests should not be run until after some other tests have been run. NovaProva does not support test dependencies.

In the opinion of the author, test dependencies are a terrible idea. They encourage a style of test writing where some tests are used to generate external state (e.g. rows in a database) which is then used as input to other tests. NovaProva is designed around a model where each test is isolated, repeatable, and stateless. This means that each test must trigger the same behaviour in the Code Under Test and give the same result, regardless of which order tests were run, or whether they were run in parallel, or whether any other tests were run at all, or whether the test had been run before.

The philosophy here is that the purpose of tests is to find bugs and to keep on finding bugs long after it’s written. If a test is run nightly, fails roughly once a month, but nobody can figure out why, that test is useless. So a good test is conceptually simple, easy to run, and easy to diagnose when it fails. Deliberately sharing state between tests makes it harder to achieve all these ideals.

If you find yourself writing a test and you want to save some time by feeding the results of one test into another, please just stop and think about what you’re doing.

If the Code Under Test needs to be in a particular state before the test can begin, you should consider it to be the job of the test to achieve that state from an initial null state. You can use Fixtures to pull out common code which sets up such state so that you don’t have to repeat it in every test. You can also use coding techniques which allow to save and restore the state of the Code Under Test (e.g. a database dump), and check the saved state into version control along with your test code.