
One of the big problems when writing unit tests is how to pick apart the morass of interconnections between modules to find a subset of your program which can be tested by itself. To construct an example, let’s say you want to test the foo module, but it makes calls to the bar module, which in turn does a REST call to the baz server. How do you unit test foo?

One answer is to test from the edges of the dependency graph inward, i.e. first test the baz server, then test the bar module using a live baz server, then finally test the foo module using live bar and baz. This can work, but it has a number of problems:

  • the program may have loops in the dependency graph, e.g. the baz server calls into the foo module.
  • it may be difficult or impossible to get a component into a reproducible initial state, e.g. baz is an Oracle database.
  • you may need to test a module’s response to unusual behaviors in it’s downstream modules, e.g. you have to test that foo handles bar returning a particular error code.

The better answer is: mocking.

What Is Mocking?

Mocking is a technique used only in test builds, to replace modules we don’t want to be testing with fake (mock) versions which present the same interfaces but have simpler and more controllable behavior. The process of replacing is called mocking and the replaced functions are mocked.

Let’s construct an example. Let’s say one of the functions in our foo module looks like this:

void foo_mustache(int x)
    BarTxn *txn = bar_begin();
    int r = bar_shoreditch(x);
    if (r < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "shoreditch failed: %d", -r);

There’s a common type of bug in this code. If the bar_shoreditch() function returns an error, the BarTxn object created by the earlier call to bar_begin() is leaked. But the bug only appears if bar_shoreditch() returns with an error, and this hardly ever happens with the real bar module.

To write a unit test that tickles this bug, we need to mock the bar_shoreditch() function. We want to create a version of that function which always returns an error, and arrange for it to be called whenever the Code Under Test tries to call the real bar_shoreditch(). Here’s a way to do that using NovaProva

int mock_bar_shoreditch(int x)
    if (x == 42)
        return -ENOENT;
    return 0;

How It Works

When NovaProva finds a function whose name starts with the letters mock_, it automatically adds that function as a mock to all the tests defined in the same source file (more precisely, the mock is attached to the testnode corresponding to the file). Mocks are automatically installed before their tests start and are automatically uninstalled again when their tests finish. While those tests are running, any attempt to call bar_shoreditch() from any part of the test function or the Code Under Test, will instead call the mocked function mock_bar_shoreditch() which then simulates whatever behavior we want for the test (in this case, return an error if the input is 42). Any other tests are unaffected by this behavior; if they call bar_shoreditch() that will call the real bar_shoreditch().

The mechanism that NovaProva uses operates at runtime, not at link time like some C mocking libraries. Nor does it rely on C++ virtual functions, like some other mocking libraries. Instead it uses a very platform-specific mechanism similar to a debugger breakpoint, which causes any call to the original function to trap into some special NovaProva handler code which calls the mock function. This mechanism is incredibly powerful and has a number of implications.

Adding Mocks Dynamically

Mocks can be inserted and removed partway through a test. This allows mocking only some of the calls to a particular function, and letting other calls go through to the real implementation. For example

static int fail_with_enoent(int x)
    return -ENOENT;

void test_some_ditches(void)
    foo_mustache(0);    /* calls the real bar_shoreditch() */
    np_mock(bar_shoreditch, fail_with_enoent);
    foo_mustache(2);    /* calls the mock, leaks BarTxn */
    foo_mustache(3);    /* calls the real bar_shoreditch() again */

Using Many Simple Mocks

Because mocks can be added partway through a test, you can write a test which uses different mock functions in different parts of the test. This usually means that each mock function can be simple and easy to understand, instead of trying to write a single big complicated mock function with lots of logic designed to handle all the different tests you will ever use. For example

static int fail_with_enoent(int x)
    return -ENOENT;
static int fail_with_econnrefused(int x)
    return -ECONNREFUSED;
static int fail_with_eaccess(int x)
    return -EACCESS;

void test_failing_all_over(void)
    np_mock(bar_shoreditch, fail_with_enoent);
    np_mock(bar_shoreditch, fail_with_econnrefused);
    np_mock(bar_shoreditch, fail_with_eaccess);

Note that you don’t need to explicitly call np_unmock() - any mocks installed dynamically during the test are automatically uninstalled after the test finishes.

Failure Injection

You can use mocks to implement simple forms of failure injection. For example, there’s a second common type of bug in the foo_mustache() implementation above: it doesn’t check for a NULL return from bar_begin(), which might happen in rare cases like a memory allocation failure. Here’s how you would test for that bug:

static void *returns_null(size_t sz)
    return NULL;
void test_malloc_failure(void)
    np_mock(malloc, returns_null);
    foo_mustache(8);    /* malloc() call in bar_begin() fails */

Mocking By Name

In the above examples you saw how you can mock a function using the function’s address. NovaProva will also let you mock a function using the function’s name. You don’t even need to be able to call function normally, so you can mock static functions in other modules (as long as that function has a known and unique name). For example:

/* this function is not visible outside the bar module
 * and is called from bar_begin() */
static BarTxn *bar_txn_alloc(void)
    BarTxn *txn = (BarTxn *)malloc(sizeof(BarTxn));
    if (!txn)
        return NULL;
    txn->id = nextid++;
    txn->state = FETAL;
    txn->items = NULL;
    return txn;

/* in test code */
void test_txn_alloc_failure(void)
    np_mock_by_name("bar_txn_alloc", returns_null);
    foo_mustache(10);       /* bar_txn_alloc() returns NULL */